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1 in 4 humans will experience a mental health challenge and everyone will be touched by someone experiencing a mental health challenge. The Mental Health & Resilience Group is ready to help you promote mental health and prevent crises in your school or organization.  Let us help you create a culture where it okay not to be okay, help-seeking is encouraged, students and colleagues check on one another, and everyone has the knowledge and skills to have a supportive conversation about mental health. 

The group is led by Dr. Lacey Rosenbaum, a nationally recognized psychologist, with expertise in mental health and suicide prevention training and strategic planning to enhance wellbeing and mental health services for schools and workplaces.


The Mental Health & Resilience Group can facilitate mental health training for managers and employees. The group offers training for educators and caregivers about supporting the mental health needs of students. Finally, the group offers custom training development, coaching, and consulting to help your school or organization create and execute a custom plan for mental health and resilience promotion that is culturally relevant and trauma-sensitive. 

Email us to get started with a free initial consultation. 

Mental health matters more than ever. 

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© 2021 by Mental Health and Resilience Group.

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